The thing is, u can't just take away one terrible thing u did any more than u can take away the million beautiful things that we had together. That's a million to one. If u can live with that ratio for another few years, then so can I.
Lord Fallon最后竟有了些高司令深情的寂寥的感觉……p.s.希腊街妈妈桑胸器逼人, 假发老鸨演技满分, 精灵公主C位出场变得沧桑且好大一只~和三小姐百合好评, Nancy: I loved her, you silly cunt最戳泪
整体故事还挺流畅的且上世纪镜头质感好好啊特别是意大利政府那几段但是主角团人物动机很迷惑特别是男主ex之前明明很嫌弃他这种空想的然后突然就被打动了跑过来了还有这个岛的ideological价值完全没有进行任何深度刻画征服双收岳女两2就像他们说的c’è una discoteca! 就导致后期煽情的真的很无厘头因为不知道这个岛代表着什么啊如果更深层刻画了那个时代各个政府的问题来反衬这个岛可能会表达的更好